Early detection of a malignancy is essential for disease management. Recognizing the most “innocent” symptoms and even immediately carrying out the necessary tests has always been important, all the more so after scientific findings of a 79% increase in new cancer cases in people under 50 in the last three decades.
“Cancer can manifest itself in humans in different ways. One person’s symptomatology may differ from others, and some are asymptomatic. It’s important to know what’s normal for you and talk to your doctor if you notice unusual changes or something that won’t go away. This can help diagnose cancer at an early stage, when treatment is more likely to succeed,” Cancer Research UK said on its website.

It can be a lump, a strange nevus, abnormal bleeding or sudden weight loss. There are more than 200 types of cancer with different symptoms, say researchers at the Center, which compiled and published a list of six suspicious signs:
1. Fatigue
There are many reasons to feel more tired than usual, especially during times of intense stress or if you have trouble sleeping. However, if you feel constantly tired or unnecessarily, it may be an indication that you need to consult a doctor.
2. Very heavy night sweats or fever Night sweats or fever
can be due to infections or adverse drug reactions, while hot flashes are common during menopause. Sweating, however, is also a symptom of cancers such as leukaemia and liver cancer. In case of very heavy sweating at night or unexplained fever, seek medical advice.
3. Unexplained bleeding or bruising)
If either or both of the above is not due to an injury, they should be checked by a doctor. Bleeding may be localized in faeces, urine, mucus of productive cough, etc. In women, unexplained vaginal bleeding may occur between periods, after sex or after menopause. Regardless of the amount of blood or its colour (red to brown and almost black), talk to your doctor.
4. Unexplained pain or discomfort Pain and discomfort
are a way our bodies tell us something is wrong. Various pains are more common as we age, but when they are unexplained or persistent anywhere in the body they can be a sign of something more serious.
5. Unexplained weight loss Small changes in weight
over time are perfectly normal, but losing several pounds without making any effort is a reason to tell your doctor. It can be a sign of health problems other than cancer.
6. Unusual lump or swelling anywhere A lump or swelling that appeared suddenly anywhere on your body and persists should be taken seriously. They can be located in the neck, armpit, stomach, groin, chest or testicles among others.